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Genetic Genealogy for the Woodruff Surname
Genetic Genealogy for the Woodruff Surname

Key to Our Genealogy PuzzlesWelcome to the Woodruff DNA Project.  The purpose of this project is to use the new tools of genetic genealogy and DNA testing to enhance and augment traditional genealogical research into Woodruff family lineages from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and anywhere else in the world Woodruff families are found.  The project encompasses all variations of the Woodruff surname such as Woodroof, Woodroffe, Woodrough, Woodruffe, Woodrove, etc.  DNA testing can be an invaluable key in helping us unlock the secrets of our genealogical past and solving the puzzles of our Woodruff origins.  The new field of genetic genealogy gives genealogists a definitive new way of investigating family history and establishing connections to known Woodruff lineages of the world.  Each member of the project will gain insights into their own origins and how they fit into the worldwide Woodruff family while at the same time contributing invaluable data to the Woodruff DNA knowledge base for use by researchers of both today and the future.

You can learn about genetic genealogy and DNA testing on the Basics of DNA page which includes links to several other resources on the internet.  Due to its inheritance characteristics, DNA testing for surname-based DNA projects targets the male Y chromosome, therefore only Woodruff males can be tested for the Woodruff DNA Project.  However, anyone (male or female) who has Woodruff ancestry, but is not a Woodruff male themselves, can get involved in the project by finding Woodruff males in their immediate or extended family to do the testing.  There is nothing to fear from doing the testing.  It is a quick, easy, and painless process that does NOT involve having blood drawn or visiting a medical lab.  You receive a test kit in the mail, do a simple swab on the inside or your cheek, and mail it back to the testing company—view a test kit here.  Since the testing occurs in the inactive part of our DNA, no information regarding any medical or genetic conditions is revealed by the testing—see the What DNA Testing is Not section on the Basics of DNA page.  So, I would like to invite all Woodruff males to join the project and sign up for testing.  And, I would like to encourage everyone with an interest in Woodruff genealogy to seek out Woodruff males in their family—brother, father, grandfather, uncle, cousin, 2nd cousin, etc.—to participate in the project and do the testing.  The benefits of getting tested to both the participant and the Woodruff research community far outweigh the relatively modest cost of the testing itself.  On the Join the Project page you can find details on project participant requirements, privacy issues, and procedures for joining the project and ordering a test.  Test results are posted to the Project Results page and information on the various Woodruff lineages represented in the project can be found on the Ancestral Lines page.

My name is Michael L. Hébert and I am the project administrator for the Woodruff DNA Project.  My mother's maiden name was Woodruff and I have long had an interest in Woodruff genealogy.  I maintain the WoodruffGenealogy.Net web site and the WOODRUFF-L email list at RootsWeb, as well as USGenWeb sites for Cumberland County, Illinois and Hamilton County, Illinois.  Regarding the Woodruff DNA Project, it is a non-commercial, non-profit undertaking and I receive no compensation for, and have no financial interest in, any testing done through any testing company.  As always, feel free to contact me at any time with any questions, problems, or comments regarding the Woodruff DNA Project, Woodruff genealogy, or this web site.

Project Administrator
Michael L. Hébert
Wood [REMOVE.THIS.TEXT] ruffMLHebert.com
Copyright © 2006-2025.  All rights reserved.
Last updated on March 02, 2015.
Visitors since 20 Jul 2006
Michael L. Hebert